Writing new CREDO Testing (and analysis) componentsΒΆ


This is currently a very bare-bones description, needs to be expanded upon. In future refactors we also hope to simplify this process.

The recommended steps are essentially as follows:

  1. Test that your new code works, e.g. just write a basic Python script (Use Docstrings, and ideally list arguments of your functions).

  2. Write a credo.analysis component to perform your operation


    Remember to add the CREDO header/licence text (just copy it from one of the other files).

  3. Write a new credo.systest.api.TestComponent, in the credo/systest directory.

    • specify members needed by the class in the “init” function;
    • Fill out the “check” function;
    • Save specification of the test in the _writeXMLCustomSpec() function;
    • Save results of the test in the _writeXMLCustomResult() function.
  4. Write a Python unittest that your new test component works

    This should live in the ‘tests’ sub-directory.

  5. (Optional) Write a new SysTest component that will use your new TestComponent.

    E.g. in the case of the Image testing, the new component that simply creates a SysTest, attaches an image testing TestComponent, and passes relevant images through.

  6. Add the new SysTest and TestComponent to the credo.systest.__init__.py systest module file’s import lists, so they can be easily imported by user system testing scripts.

  7. add your new modules to the Sphinx doc-generator, to be auto generated. E.g. for images:

    To file credo/doc/api/analysis.rst, added section:

    .. automodule:: credo.analysis.images

    TODO: also add the new component to the documentation list to generate main inheritance diagrams for SysTests and TestComponents.

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Running CREDO system test suites directly, and how to modify them

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Using CREDO to run and analyse a Rayleigh-Taylor problem in Underworld

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