Utils API


A module for general utility functions in CREDO, that don’t clearly fit into other modules.


A small function to create a string representation of a dictionary, by getting the str() of each item in a dict, not the repr(). Useful for floating points for example to be ‘prettier’ (less zeros after the number).


No effort has been made to ensure this is super-efficient for large dictionaries, it’s suited to small lists of parameters


Get the path of the calling stack at stackNum levels higher.

credo.utils.productCalc(*args, **kwds)

Basic implementation of itertools.product from Python 2.6: For Python 2.5 backward compatibility. productCalc(‘ABCD’, ‘xy’) –> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy productCalc(range(2), repeat=3) –> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

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