Welcome to CREDO's documentation! ======================================== This documentation describes the CREDO scientific benchmarking, testing, profiling and analysis toolkit. It comprises several sections, outlined below, for different purposes. **For users of CREDO:** we suggest you start by reading the :ref:`credo-intro` section, then the :ref:`credo-install` section to get up and running, followed by running through several of the :ref:`credo-examples`. The examples should be self-explanatory, but if you're not familiar with the Python programming and scripting language, you might like to check out the :ref:`credo-pythonlinks` section. CREDO is currently being used as the Testing and workflow support tool of the `Underworld `_ Geodynamics modelling project:- the manual of which is `available online `_. **For developers of CREDO:**, you'll likely want to jump straight to the :ref:`credo-apidocs`, informed by the overall description in :ref:`credo-architecture`. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 credo-intro.rst credo-install.rst credo-architecture.rst credo-examples.rst credo-apidocs.rst credo-pythonlinks.rst credo-whatsnew.rst credo-appendix.rst credo-faq.rst credo-glossary.rst Indices and tables ================== * (CREDO Python framework) :ref:`genindex` * (CREDO Python framework) :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`