.. _credo-examples: **************************** Examples of how to use CREDO **************************** The sections below should help given an overview of how to use CREDO, through worked examples. The :ref:`credo-examples-systesting` section explains how to use CREDO to run and set-up the basic system tests of a StGermain code that supercede the previous system testing scripts. The :ref:`credo-examples-analysis` section shows examples of how to configure and run Underworld runs using CREDO, and analyse/post-process the results. This is for custom analysis, rather than for addition to the automated testing system. The :ref:`credo-examples-scibenchmarking` section shows the more complex use-case of the code, where scientific benchmarks are set up: generally requiring both analysis-style set-up of models to run, while also using the system testing features to allow automated regular running of this benchmark. The :ref:`credo-examples-joblaunch` section gives examples of how to run CREDO scripts in different ways, including via PBS. .. Note:: CREDO is designed in such a manner that it should be possible to readily convert analysis scripts into repeatable system tests, and after reading examples of all the sections above you should have a handle on how to go about this. .. _credo-examples-systesting: Using CREDO for System Testing of StGermain-based codes such as Underworld ========================================================================== .. toctree:: examples/run-systest-scons.rst examples/register-systests-scons.rst examples/run-modify-systest-direct.rst examples/write-new-test-component.rst .. _credo-examples-analysis: Doing Model analysis with CREDO =============================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 examples/raytay-run-basic.rst examples/raytay-run-suite.rst examples/ppc-compare.rst .. _credo-examples-scibenchmarking: Scientific Benchmarking using CREDO =================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 examples/configure-scibenchmark.rst .. _credo-examples-joblaunch: Different ways to launch CREDO scripts ====================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 examples/joblaunch-pbs.rst