Running a test target, or test suite, via the SCons build system

CREDO is now integrated with the SCons build system, so for project such as Underworld it is now possible to run CREDO System tests via SCons.

For this to work, it requires test maintainers to follow the directions in Requirements for importing test suites: Dual-mode, and the suite() function, but you can follow the instructions below without knowing the internal contents of suites.

Running a project-defined multi-suite test target

If you invoke the SCons help for a project using CREDO in it’s base directory, e.g. stgUnderworld, by typing:

./ --help

the full list of check ‘targets’ for a project will be printed. CREDO has been set up to also work with the PCU (Parallel C-Unit) unit testing suite also used by StGermain codes, so that some testing targets can run both unit and system tests.

For example, the “check-lowres” target has been set up to run low-resolution system test suites, so you can invoke this target by running from the stgUnderworld base directory:

./ check-lowres

which will invoke a series of system tests [1].

The output printed after running this command should start with something like the following:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Copy("build/config.log", "config.log")
Copy("build/config.cfg", "config.cfg")
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
runSuites(["testLogs/lowresSuiteSummary.xml"], ["Underworld/SysTest/RegressionTests/"])
Importing suite for Underworld.SysTest.RegressionTests.testAll_lowres:
Running the following system test suites:
 Project 'Underworld', suite 'RegressionTests-lowres'
Running System Test Suite for Project 'Underworld', named 'RegressionTests-lowres', containing 30 direct tests and 0 sub-suites:
Running System test 1/30, with name 'Anisotropic-referenceTest-np1-lowres':
Writing pre-test info to XML
Running the 1 modelRuns specified in the suite
Doing run 1/1 (index 0), of name 'Anisotropic-referenceTest-np1-lowres':
ModelRun description: "Run the model, and check results against previously generated reference solution."
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/Anisotropic-referenceTest-np1-lowres):
Running model 'Anisotropic-referenceTest-np1-lowres' with command 'mpirun -np 1 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/Underworld/SysTest/RegressionTests/Anisotropic.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=10 --elementResJ=10 --elementResK=10' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/Anisotropic-referenceTest-np1-lowres, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Checking test result:
Field comp 'VelocityField' error within tol 0.01 of reference solution for all runs.
Field comp 'PressureField' error within tol 0.01 of reference solution for all runs.

Test result was Pass

..and so on through a series of test suites, concluding with:

CREDO System Tests results summary, project 'Underworld', suite 'RegressionTests-lowres':
Ran 30 system tests, with 29 passes, 1 fails, and 0 errors
Failures were:
 CylinderRiseThermal-referenceTest-np2-lowres: A Field was not within tolerance of reference soln.
CREDO System Tests summary for all project suites ran:
Project 'Underworld':
 Suite 'RegressionTests-lowres': 30 tests, 29/1/0 passes/fails/errors
30 tests, 29/1/0 passes/fails/errors
ALL Projects Total:  30 tests, 29/1/0 passes/fails/errors
scons: done building targets.

This gives you a summary of the results of the system test suite run. For check targets that run across multiple projects, the final summary will show the totals sorted by project, for example:

CREDO System Tests summary for all project suites ran:
Project 'StgFEM':
 Suite 'PerformanceTests': 3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
Project 'PICellerator':
 Suite 'PerformanceTests': 3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
Project 'Underworld':
 Suite 'PerformanceTests': 16 tests, 16/0/0 passes/fails/errors
16 tests, 16/0/0 passes/fails/errors
ALL Projects Total:  22 tests, 22/0/0 passes/fails/errors

The test commands will also save an XML file, for parsing by the likes of Bitten, summarising the results of the test suite run. These are saved in the “testLogs” subdirectory, in sub-directories based on the name of the target you ran. For example, after running the lowres suite above, the testLogs directory will contain a directory testLogs/check-lowres, which would contain a suite record file Underworld-RegressionTests-lowres.xml. The format of these files is designed to be compatible with parsers that can read results of the Python unittest XML reporting extensions.

Running a single test suite via SCons

Instead of running a whole set of system test suites, you may wish to run just a single suite. Of course this can be done directly as described in Running CREDO system test suites directly, and how to modify them, but we also have the facility to do this at the base directory of a project via SCons.

The syntax for running individual suites is based on the Python import name of the suite. This is based on it’s position in the file tree, but with ”.” replacing directory separators.

For example on a Linux system, if you wanted to run the PICellerator convergence test suite as part of the stgUnderworld project, the file is located in the subdirectory PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/ In Python import syntax, this becomes PICellerator.SysTest.PerformanceTests.testAll.

So invoking the following at the command line:

./ PICellerator.SysTest.PerformanceTests.testAll

will cause that suite to be run, printing output as follows:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Copy("build/config.log", "config.log")
Copy("build/config.cfg", "config.cfg")
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
runSuites(["testLogs/PICellerator.SysTest.PerformanceTests.testAll.xml"], ["PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/"])
Importing suite for PICellerator.SysTest.PerformanceTests.testAll:
Running the following system test suites:
 Project 'PICellerator', suite 'PerformanceTests'
Running System Test Suite for Project 'PICellerator', named 'PerformanceTests', containing 3 direct tests and 0 sub-suites:
Running System test 1/3, with name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1':
Writing pre-test info to XML
Running the 4 modelRuns specified in the suite
Doing run 1/4 (index 0), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-10x10':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 10x10"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/10x10):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-10x10' with command 'mpirun -np 1 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=10 --elementResJ=10 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/10x10, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 2/4 (index 1), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-20x20':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 20x20"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/20x20):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-20x20' with command 'mpirun -np 1 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=20 --elementResJ=20 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/20x20, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 3/4 (index 2), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-30x30':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 30x30"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/30x30):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-30x30' with command 'mpirun -np 1 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=30 --elementResJ=30 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/30x30, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 4/4 (index 3), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-40x40':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 40x40"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/40x40):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1-40x40' with command 'mpirun -np 1 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=40 --elementResJ=40 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/40x40, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Checking test result:
Testing convergence for field 'PressureField'
Field PressureField, dof 0 - cvg rate      1, corr 1.000000
Test result was Pass
Saved test result to output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np1/SysTest-BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np1.xml
Running System test 2/3, with name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2':
Writing pre-test info to XML
Running the 4 modelRuns specified in the suite
Doing run 1/4 (index 0), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-10x10':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 10x10"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/10x10):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-10x10' with command 'mpirun -np 2 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=10 --elementResJ=10 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/10x10, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 2/4 (index 1), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-20x20':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 20x20"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/20x20):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-20x20' with command 'mpirun -np 2 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=20 --elementResJ=20 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/20x20, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 3/4 (index 2), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-30x30':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 30x30"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/30x30):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-30x30' with command 'mpirun -np 2 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=30 --elementResJ=30 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/30x30, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 4/4 (index 3), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-40x40':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 40x40"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/40x40):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2-40x40' with command 'mpirun -np 2 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=40 --elementResJ=40 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/40x40, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Checking test result:
Testing convergence for field 'PressureField'
Field PressureField, dof 0 - cvg rate      1, corr 1.000000
Test result was Pass
Saved test result to output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np2/SysTest-BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np2.xml
Running System test 3/3, with name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4':
Writing pre-test info to XML
Running the 4 modelRuns specified in the suite
Doing run 1/4 (index 0), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-10x10':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 10x10"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/10x10):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-10x10' with command 'mpirun -np 4 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=10 --elementResJ=10 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/10x10, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 2/4 (index 1), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-20x20':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 20x20"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/20x20):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-20x20' with command 'mpirun -np 4 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=20 --elementResJ=20 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/20x20, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 3/4 (index 2), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-30x30':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 30x30"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/30x30):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-30x30' with command 'mpirun -np 4 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=30 --elementResJ=30 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/30x30, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Doing run 4/4 (index 3), of name 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-40x40':
ModelRun description: "Run the model at res 40x40"
Generating analysis XML:
Running the Model (saving results in output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/40x40):
Running model 'BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4-40x40' with command 'mpirun -np 4 /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/build/bin/StGermain /home/psunter/AuScopeCodes/stgUnderworldE-credoDev-work/PICellerator/SysTest/PerformanceTests/BuoyancyExample.xml credo-analysis.xml  --elementResI=40 --elementResJ=40 --dim=2' ...
Model ran successfully (output saved to path output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/40x40, std out & std error to log.
Doing post-run tidyup:
Checking test result:
Testing convergence for field 'PressureField'
Field PressureField, dof 0 - cvg rate      1, corr 1.000000
Test result was Pass
Saved test result to output/BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResTest-np4/SysTest-BuoyancyExample-analyticMultiResConvergenceTest-np4.xml
CREDO System Tests results summary, project 'PICellerator', suite 'PerformanceTests':
Ran 3 system tests, with 3 passes, 0 fails, and 0 errors
CREDO System Tests summary for all project suites ran:
Project 'PICellerator':
 Suite 'PerformanceTests': 3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
ALL Projects Total:  3 tests, 3/0/0 passes/fails/errors
scons: done building targets.

..and an XML log of the suite results will also be created in the testLogs directory: in this case in the subdirectory PICellerator.SysTest.PerformanceTests, containing a record of the one suite ran PICellerator-PerformanceTests.xml.


[1]While you no longer need to run a custom scons executable from the local directory (”./”) to get system test summary results, as CREDO is now fully integrated with stgUnderworld’s scons config files and is able to print a summary using the standard scons executable ... since we still distribute a patched scons with stgUnderworld, we recommend continuing to run scons via the local script. All of the examples throughout this documentation will thus be in this form.