.. _credo-apidocs: ************************************* CREDO Python Source API Documentation ************************************* These are the API (Application Programming Interface) documents for CREDO, describing the Python classes and functions provided by the library and how they function. They are automatically generated from documentation strings "docstrings" in the CREDO Python source code - so in an interactive Python session you can access this same information using the `help() `_ function on objects in your session. **For users**: you may wish to start with the :ref:`credo-examples` section, and then refer back to this API as you become more familiar with CREDO and need to look up details. **For developers:** the :ref:`credo-architecture` section gives an initial overview of how the various sub-packages in CREDO relate and are integrated. .. Note:: As well as navigating via the contents below, you can also use the name-sorted :ref:`genindex` of all functions and members, or the module-sorted :ref:`modindex`. *API Documentation contents:* .. TODO: Need to add command-line programs (eg credo-restartTest.py) to this API reference. .. toctree:: api/model.rst api/utils.rst api/jobrunner.rst api/io.rst api/analysis.rst api/systest.rst